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RERA Law in Tamil Nadu | Real Estate Lawyers in Chennai


The Real Estate Regulation and Development Act, commonly known as RERA, is a significant legislation in India that aims to regulate and promote transparency in the real estate sector. This article delves into the key aspects of RERA and its impact on the real estate market in Tamil Nadu, with a focus on the role of real estate lawyers in ensuring compliance and protecting the rights of homebuyers and developers.

Understanding RERA (Real Estate Regulation and Development Act)

RERA, enacted in 2016, is a landmark law designed to address the challenges faced by homebuyers in the real estate industry. It seeks to establish a regulatory framework to protect the interests of consumers and promote orderly growth in the sector.

Evolution of RERA in India

The need for RERA arose due to the prevalent issues in the real estate market, such as delayed project delivery, unfair practices by developers, and lack of transparency. Its implementation in Tamil Nadu has been crucial to safeguard the rights of property buyers in the state.

Key Objectives of RERA

RERA focuses on various essential objectives, including:

a. Consumer Protection and Rights

RERA ensures that homebuyers have access to accurate information about the projects they are investing in and protects their rights against any misleading advertisements or false promises by developers.

b. Promoting Transparency and Accountability

Transparency in real estate transactions is a key aspect of RERA. It aims to create a level playing field for all stakeholders and bring greater accountability to developers and agents.

c. Fair Play in Real Estate Transactions

RERA aims to eliminate unfair practices in the real estate sector, promoting fair play and ethical conduct among developers, agents, and other participants.

RERA Regulations and Compliance

To achieve its objectives, RERA introduces a series of regulations and guidelines that both homebuyers and developers must adhere to.

Registration of Real Estate Projects

Developers are required to register their projects with the respective state’s RERA authority. This registration process is mandatory and helps ensure that only genuine projects are brought to the market.

a. Mandatory Registration Process

The registration process involves submitting essential project details, financial statements, timelines, and other relevant information to the RERA authority.

b. Criteria for Registration Approval

The RERA authority assesses the project’s viability, financial stability of the developer, and adherence to legal requirements before granting registration approval.

c. Consequences of Non-Registration

Failure to register a project under RERA can lead to penalties, including hefty fines and possible imprisonment for the developers.

Rights and Duties of Homebuyers

RERA provides various entitlements and safeguards to protect the rights of homebuyers in real estate transactions.

a. Homebuyer’s Entitlements under RERA

Homebuyers have the right to receive information about the project’s layout, plans, completion timeline, and possession schedule. They can also demand timely possession of the property as per the agreed-upon terms.

b. Developer’s Obligations towards Homebuyers

Developers must adhere to the promised timelines, quality standards, and specifications as per the agreement with the homebuyers. Failure to do so can result in penalties and legal consequences.

Real Estate Agents and Their Role

RERA also regulates the functioning of real estate agents who act as intermediaries between buyers and developers.

a. Registration Requirements for Agents

Real estate agents are required to obtain RERA registration to operate legally. This process involves furnishing personal details, qualifications, and any prior experience in the real estate sector.

b. Agent’s Duties and Liabilities

Under RERA, agents must maintain transparency in property dealings and avoid any misleading information. They are responsible for facilitating fair transactions and adhering to the best interests of their clients.

Escrow Account and Fund Management

RERA introduces the concept of an escrow account to ensure that developers utilize the funds received from homebuyers solely for the specific project they are intended for.

a. Utilization of Funds from Homebuyers

Developers are required to deposit a certain percentage of the project’s cost into an escrow account. This ensures that the money collected from buyers is used exclusively for that particular project and not diverted elsewhere.

b. Mechanism for Fund Management

The funds in the escrow account can only be withdrawn by the developer as per the project’s progress, thereby promoting financial discipline and safeguarding the interests of homebuyers.

Challenges and Impact of RERA in Tamil Nadu

As with any significant legislation, RERA has faced its share of challenges and has also brought about considerable changes in the real estate market of Tamil Nadu.

Challenges Faced by Homebuyers

a. Delayed Project Delivery

Despite the implementation of RERA, some homebuyers still face issues with delayed project delivery. However, RERA provides a platform for redressal in such cases.

b. Lack of Clarity in RERA Guidelines

The complex nature of some RERA regulations has led to challenges in their interpretation and implementation.

c. Redressal Mechanisms for Homebuyers

While RERA establishes an authority to handle disputes, some homebuyers still face challenges in obtaining quick and efficient resolutions.

Impact of RERA on Real Estate Developers

RERA has had a significant impact on the functioning and conduct of real estate developers in Tamil Nadu.

a. Enhanced Accountability and Transparency

Developers are now more accountable for their projects’ timely completion, quality, and adherence to legal norms.

b. Changes in Project Development and Financing

RERA’s stringent regulations have prompted developers to adopt more cautious and transparent approaches to project development and financing.

Real Estate Market Dynamics Post RERA

RERA’s implementation has influenced various aspects of the real estate market in Tamil Nadu.

The real estate market has witnessed changes in buyer sentiment, with homebuyers showing more confidence in RERA-approved projects.

b. Impact on Property Prices and Sales

The increased transparency and buyer protection provided by RERA have influenced property prices and sales in the market.

Role of Real Estate Lawyers in RERA Compliance

Real estate lawyers play a vital role in ensuring RERA compliance for both homebuyers and developers.

Understanding the Role of Real Estate Lawyers

Real estate lawyers provide expert advice and guidance to homebuyers and developers regarding RERA regulations and their legal rights.

b. Documentation and Agreement Reviews

Lawyers assist in reviewing and drafting essential documents, ensuring that they comply with RERA requirements.

Handling RERA Disputes and Litigation

a. Mediation and Negotiation

In case of disputes, real estate lawyers can facilitate mediation and negotiation to reach amicable settlements.

b. Representing Clients in RERA Authorities

Lawyers represent clients in RERA authorities and tribunals, advocating for their rights and seeking appropriate remedies.

RERA Compliance for Real Estate Developers

a. Assisting Developers with Registration

Real estate lawyers help developers navigate the registration process, ensuring all necessary documentation is in place.

b. Ensuring Regulatory Compliance

Lawyers aid developers in understanding and complying with RERA regulations to avoid legal consequences.

Benefits of Hiring Real Estate Lawyers

Engaging the services of real estate lawyers offers several advantages for both homebuyers and developers.

Ensuring Buyer’s Protection

a. Assistance in Due Diligence

Lawyers conduct due diligence on the property, ensuring that it meets all legal requirements and is free from encumbrances.

Lawyers verify the property’s legal title, ownership, and other crucial aspects to protect the homebuyer’s interests.

Efficient Handling of RERA Procedures

a. Simplifying Documentation Processes

Lawyers handle the complex documentation involved in RERA compliance, ensuring accuracy and completeness.

b. Timely Submission of RERA Forms

Lawyers assist in filing necessary RERA forms within the specified timelines, avoiding any penalties.

a. Resolving Disputes and Claims

Lawyers represent clients in RERA disputes, working towards resolving conflicts through legal channels.

b. Representing Clients in RERA Courts

Lawyers advocate on behalf of clients in RERA courts, presenting their case diligently and effectively.


The Real Estate Regulation and Development Act (RERA) has emerged as a critical legislation in India, including Tamil Nadu, to ensure transparency and consumer protection in the real estate market. It has significantly impacted the dynamics of the real estate sector, benefiting both homebuyers and developers. Real estate lawyers play a pivotal role in ensuring RERA compliance, safeguarding the interests of their clients, and contributing to the growth and stability of the real estate market. Chennai Legal Legend stands ready to assist homebuyers and developers in navigating RERA regulations and providing expert legal counsel for all their real estate needs.

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